About Us

GlobalCarsBrands is a leading online platform that offers the best and latest information about car brands, car logos, and news and opinion about cars and the automotive industry.

We aim to cover all these topics with honesty, transparency and cheerful passion.

Over time, we were featured in (or linked by) leading websites like Huffington Post, AOL, The Conversation, Bandcamp, Mental Floss, and many more.

Our Team

GCB has a truly global team, with authors, editors and contributors from all over the world. Our team members are based in the United States, France, Romania, Denmark and Australia.

Adrian Vroom

Chief Editor

As a child, Adrian was fascinated by anything and everything car related. Years went by and he found himself more and more in love with cars.

It wasn’t just about their good looks, speed and power, it was about the freedom they represented, the thrills and joy they provided and the ton of options that were available for every type of person out there.

Matt Zimmerman

Senior Editor

Matt is no stranger to the automotive world, writing about cars since 2008 as a contributor for several huge automotive websites such as Car and Driver, AutoEvolution, Motor1, CarAdvice or MotorTrend.

A true fan of everything with wheels, his garage includes a dozen of different cars, including an old BMW M3 and a Tesla Model S.

Liam Houghton

Associate Editor

Liam has been an automotive enthusiast probably since birth and grew up restoring classic cars with his dad. He still remembers the exact moment when his dad showed him the inner workings of an engine and learned how it works.

Also an avid racing fan, especially when it comes to Formula 1, Liam has contributed a unique blend of insight into both the classic car brands and sports car segments on GCB since joining the team in 2016.

Joakim Norberg


Jono has reviewed all kinds of cars in these last 10 years and still can’t decide which one is his absolute favorite. He can make a top 5 but picking just one of them is probably the hardest task for him.

He’s been to at least one car show every single year since he was 5 and after graduating he moved to automotive media, covering news, writing reviews and podcasting.

Kathleen Burgess


Kathleen started her career in journalism writing about cars during her Journalism degree at CUNY and even though she didn’t like it at first, she quickly became an ace, writing news, reviews and comparisons like one of the best car writers out there.

Today she writes content focusing on the latest trends in the car industry, looking at sales, policies and green alternatives.

Editorial Guidelines

Global Cars Brands aims to be a hub for all car lovers and enthusiasts. Our website is devoted to exploring the fascinating world of automobiles, including their history, diverse brands, iconic logos, and comprehensive car guides.

Guiding Principles for Content

  • Depth and Diversity: We delve into various aspects of the automotive world, from classic cars and car brands to modern innovations, ensuring a rich and diverse content palette.
  • Educational and Engaging Content: Our aim is to educate and engage our readers with informative and captivating content about everything automotive.

Content Creation and Curation Strategy

  • Expert Contributions: Our content is created together with automotive experts, historians, and car enthusiasts, ensuring depth and authenticity in every article.
  • Reader-Friendly Approach: We present complex automotive concepts in an accessible manner, suitable for both seasoned car enthusiasts and newcomers.

Ethical Standards and Transparency

Accuracy and Comprehensive Coverage

  • Fact-Checking Rigor: We ensure all technical information, historical facts, and data are thoroughly verified for accuracy.
  • Up-to-Date Automotive Information: Our content is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and developments in the automotive world.

Brand and Logo Insights

  • In-Depth Brand Analysis: We offer detailed explorations of various car brands, their histories, and their evolution.
  • Iconic Logo Features: Our coverage includes fascinating stories behind car logos, offering insights into the branding and design philosophy of different manufacturers.

Automotive Guides and Resources

  • Comprehensive Car Guides: Our guides cover a range of topics from car maintenance to buying advice, tailored to meet the needs of our diverse audience.
  • Resourceful and Practical Tips: We provide practical advice and tips to help our readers make informed automotive decisions.

Engaging with the Automotive Community

  • Community Interaction: We encourage reader participation through comments, forums, and social media engagement.
  • Responsive to Feedback: Reader feedback is invaluable, and we actively incorporate it to improve our content and user experience.

Global Car Brands aims to be more than just a simple car website; it’s a journey through the unique and exciting world of automobiles. We invite our readers to join us in exploring the rich history, the diverse automakers, and the many facets of automotive culture.

Social Media

You can follow Global Cars Brands on: FacebookInstagram, and Youtube.

Work with Us

We are looking for freelance writers with a deep knowledge of car brands, a passion for automotive history, and an eye for spotting any car logos, to enrich our content and help us offer the best information to auto enthusiasts.

If you’d like to share in-depth stories about the evolution of car brands, the automotive history, or the symbolism behind various car logos, we’d love for you to join our editorial team. Interested contributors can reach us at: contact@globalcarsbrands.com.

Please note that we don’t consider unsolicited guest submissions, articles, blogs, infographics, or posts.

Contact Us

We always love to hear from our readers. For any feedback, advertising opportunities or press inquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at contact@globalcarsbrands.com or using the contact form here.

If you prefer to give us a call or send a traditional letter, our address is 18 Somesului Street, Sibiu, 550003, Romania, and our phone number is +40 745 999 805.


Global Cars Brands is operated by OMG SRL, a limited liability company registered in Romania.

Trusted by more than 15 million people every year to make informed decisions and find inspiration. OMG’s other brands include Luxatic, HomeDSGN, Agronomag, Seriously Equestrian, The Pet Savvy and more.